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Hey There

My Name is Joel Kodali. Here i talk about Jesus all my videos my youtube and contact info will be here if you want to contact me plz reach me out to my gmail down below.




People who have helped me


People who have helped me to create videos. 

Colin- Hi i am Colin i am Joel s cousin. I play the guitar and right now i am studying in Pensacola Christian college. I have helped Joel by giving him ideas. Joel is a wonderful cousin to me and also a closet freind to me. So if you take your time please subscribe to Joel. I am Joel s helper and also reach me out if you want to learn what Joel s vision is about. my email is And also check out my christian channel. I sing songs in the channel. Subscribe to Colin Noel and here is the link to my new song.


Caleb- Hi i am Caleb and i am also Joel s cousin. I play the ukelele. And right now i am in 6th grade. I have helped Joel in his videos my giving him the topic in his videos and me and my brother Cleo started a new show called Cbros arsenal show. So subscribe to Joel and to me also. Joel is a wonderful cousin to me he his a good freind and he helps me. So if you would take your time and subscribe to Joel. Thanks



 Cleo- Hi i am Cleo i am also Joel s cousin. I play the Ukelele with my brother Caleb and right now i have nothin to do i am going to fourth grade. I have helped Joel in many ways and also gave him more ideas. Joel is a great and wonderful cousin to me. so would you take your time and please to  subscribe to Joel channels . Thanks

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Priorty email


  • Joel s channel
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